Equipment & Services

Ursa Mini 4.6K
Sachtler Tripod and Fluid Head
Shoulder Mount
O’Connor Matte Box
Arri Follow Focus
Sony 20” Monitor
Teradek Bolt Pro 600 Wireless Video Transmitter

Arri L7-C
Arri 300 Watt Tungsten Fresnel
Lowel Light Kit (Omni, Tota, Pro)
1K Lowel DP w/Speedring
Chimera Softbox
Chimera Pancake Lantern
Kino Flo Diva Lite (with daylight and tungsten bulbs)
Laternlock/China Ball (500 W halogen)

Sennheiser MKE 600 Shotgun
Neumann KM 185 Hypercardioid
(2) VTek Lavalier
(2) Sennheiser G3 Transmitter and Receiver
KTek Boom Pole
Sony 4-Channel Mixer

(2) Black Avenger C-Stands
(2) Chrome American Grip C-Stands
Apple Boxes (full, half, quarter, pancake)
Set of 18” x 24” Flags (single, double, silk, solid)
Sand Bags

(2) Switronix 150Wh Batteries
(2) Switronix 98Wh Batteries
Switronix Battery Charger
(10) Motorola CP200d Walkies (If needed, I can program them for you)
(8) Motorola Surveillance Kits
Motorola 6-Bank Walkie Charger